Doggy Daycare Dogs and What Are They?

As fun as doggy daycare can be, too many days at doggy daycare can lead to a variety of behavioral issues for dogs, largely stemming from overstimulation, lack of balance in their routine, and stress. Here is a list:

1. Overstimulation and Hyperactivity: Constant interaction with other dogs can keep a dog in a heightened state of arousal, making it harder for them to calm down at home. This could lead to hyperactive behavior or difficulty settling.

2. Social Over-Reliance: Dogs who spend excessive time in daycare might develop an over-dependence on social interaction, making them anxious or restless when alone. They might become less comfortable with downtime or solitude.

3. Stress and Burnout: Although daycare can be fun, it can also be overwhelming if not managed properly. Dogs need a balance of rest and play, and too much time in an overstimulation can lead to chronic stress, manifesting as irritability, aggressive, or avoidance behaviors.

4. Reduced Training or Obedience: When dogs are constantly in a play environment, their discipline and focus may decline. They might struggle to follow cues or respect boundaries at home, as they get accustomed to a more free-form environment.

5. Resource Guarding and Aggression: In daycare settings with frequent turnover of dogs, some dogs may develop resource-guarding tendencies over toys, spaces, or even people. This could translate at home.

6. Exhaustion and Irritability: Dogs, especially puppies, need plenty of rest. If they don’t get enough sleep due to constant stimulation at daycare, they may become overly tired, leading to uncharacteristic irritability.

7. Disruption of Bond with Owners: If dogs spend more time in daycare than with their owners, they may bond more with the daycare staff or other dogs, weakening the bond with their family.

Thankfully, Arfordable Dog Training is a training facility that offers Playcare. We are not a doggy daycare that offers training. Playcare is a specialty benefit to training clients that are accustomed to ADT. We offer structured play with a balance of mental stimulation and rest to prevent these issues.